Mpower1's Business Management Programs
Mpower1 provides an infrastructure that
incorporates investment, management, support, sales and all other
aspects of a successful business operation to companies looking to
expand into new markets, achieve exponential growth, consolidate an
existing position or recover from a challenge. Mpower1 calls upon a
highly experienced team of directors, senior level employees and its
global infrastructure to deliver an extensive knowledge of many
international markets, the experience to manage the unexpected or
unwanted and the necessary network of contacts around the world to
achieve accelerated growth. Specifically aimed at companies seeking
growth or that have seen their business stall, Mpower1 is a fast
growing dynamic company offering an innovative approach of either
Mpower1 acquisitions or flexible shared risk/shared reward
Low risk, success based options for growth and alternatives to failure, stagnation or liquidation
Mpower1 offers a unique solution, establishing
flexible ventures with qualifying companies, creating regional
subsidiaries and in some cases acquiring part or all of the share
capital while allowing the original owners to maintain equity or a
pre-agreed buy back. The experience and extensive global network of
Mpower1 provide an advantage to companies that need to move forward
and reduce the risks inherent in all other options.
Able to help companies:
seeking growth
that to enter new markets
that have stalled
that are in trouble
nearing liquidation
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Experience (Management Team)
Mpower1 is able to call upon high levels of
experience that the company would otherwise be
unable to gain access to. Proven track records in
company set up, sales and business development are
combined with extensive knowledge of international
markets. This is supplemented by a network of
contacts with familiarity and understanding of local
business practices in many countries worldwide.
and Accounting
Financial engineering, appropriate contracts and
relationships, investment, cash flow management,
partnerships and disputes are just a few of the
challenges that Mpower1 have both the experience in
managing. As companies evolve and grow these areas
produce new challenges that need to be addressed in
new ways. Mpower1 has the ability to call upon the
best of the best partners to manage these challenges
for Mpower1 companies.
and Marketing
All too often the old adage of "build it and
they will come" is disproved. Sales and marketing
are two different disciplines and so much more that
just hiring a few sales people. Mpower1 have the
ability to deliver professional sales management
that gets the best out of existing teams. Proven
track records in sales and business development are
combined with extensive knowledge of marketing in
different markets and industry verticals. Mpower1
are able to restart stalled sales, deliver new
markets and manage OEM, Value Added Reseller and
distribution programs.
Administration Infrastructure
Mpower1 is able to provide the infrastructure or
fill gaps in the infrastructure of companies as they
grow. From offices to phone numbers, invoicing to
credit control, telemarketing to websites; Mpower1
have a proven capability in delivering the evolving
infrastructure to companies.
Strategic Planning
Real strategic planning for a company is so much
more than producing a document. Mpower1 have
professionals in strategic planning for their
companies and are able to identify top down
and bottom up strategies together with continual
improvement plans that allow the true potential of
companies to be unleashed.
Risk / Shared Rewards Ventures
Guaranteed Buy-Back Assured Ownership
Working with third party companies often entails
losing ownership of potentially lucrative markets.
It also means that the supplier does not retain a
relationship with the customer and risks losing
supplemental revenue to the third party. The
guaranteed buy back option offered through the
Mpower1 Joint Venture provides the supplier with
assured future ownership and direct access to the
market and customers. Mpower1 will significantly
reduce all major areas of risk associated with
traditional overseas ventures. The risks of
employing inadequate staff or distributors are
avoided as quality personnel are assured through
Mpower1, the costs of the venture are substantially
lower than going it alone and by using highly
experienced resource, the risk of lost opportunity
is greatly reduced.
to Market
Time is often a critical element in finding
success in a specific market. The access Mpower1
has to experienced personnel provides for initial
sales processes to be undertaken without the
potentially long delays associated with finding,
re-deploying and training staff.
Retaining Control of Software
One of the main concerns in using third party
agents or distributors is the loss of control of
software. Quality is often impaired but the risk of
copied or stolen software is also a major problem.
The Mpower1 approach ensures that the software and
documentation resides with the company, where the
supplier has board representation and significant
ownership and therefore maintains control.
Accounting and Balance Sheet
An investment into a joint venture increases the
assets on an Mpower1 customer’s balance sheet making
the asset base look more favorable and it does not
impact the company’s revenue. In many instances it
appears that this can also be done in a tax
favorable manner
A significant problem when entering a new market
with either new staff or a distributor is that for
the initial period of agreement or employment, the
supplier is virtually locked out of a market. The
length of time is often extended as there are always
discussions under way with ‘a great prospect’. This
lockout can often result in a lost market for the
product. With the Mpower1 approach, the supplier
can be directly involved and can therefore monitor
both the markets and the opportunities. With a place
on the board the supplier always has influence on
the direction to be taken. In extreme circumstances
the supplier is always able to resume control
through early buy back or failure induced exit.